Saturday, December 18, 2010

'Chris-Chris So Fun!'

I LOVE Christmas time! I LOVE the lights and decorations. Thinking of others, the fun magical feeling and the memories that are made.

Having kids makes all holidays so much fun! They get so excited about everything! Everything is so fun and new and magical. I LOVE it! This year we have tried to do something Christmas oriented every day. We read books, sang songs, decorated, made treats, wrote letters to Santa, played in the snow, took treats to our neighbors and friends, made a mini Christmas tree and put ornaments on it for the kid's room, sat on Santa's lap, donated toys to Toys for Tots, and made Christmas pictures.

As I put Hayden down for a nap one day I told him all the fun things we were going to do when he woke up..."we are going to decorate the cookies with frosting and sprinkles" He said in an excited voice, "Chris-Chris SO fun!" I LOVE this little man & his little sister and I LOVE this time of year!

his hands were so cold!

I was putting things on the tree so I guess Hayden thought he should too.
If you look close you can see Thomas in there too!

making Christmas pictures

decorating a rice crispy Christmas tree

His letter to Santa

sitting on Santa's lap

look at the cheesy smile! love it!

Hayden & Tyson after seeing Santa

We get the kids new ornaments every year. These are their ornaments this year.

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