Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Potty Training

I thought that potty training was going to be kind of rough, but honestly it hasn't been bad. I think the fact that Hayden was way ready and the fact that we had been talking about, encouraging and having him sit on the potty and try {with a several successful attempts} for weeks now, even though he still had a diaper, helped.

Day 1: We had a few accidents in the morning. Thank goodness for carpet cleaner! After his nap I was somewhat discouraged because I felt like we were starting over because he didn't want to sit or try any more. When Josh came home he put him on there and Hayden did a little then got off. Then a few minuets later Hayden said, "potty now" sat on there and did both deeds. I was so proud! By the end of the day we had gone through all 3 packages of Cars, Thomas and Toy Story underwear. I think part of it is due to the fact that they were sitting on the back of the toilet and he wanted to try all of them!

Day 2: No accidents. Went when I told him it was time to go, but didn't tell me he had to go. {maybe because I didn't give him the chance, I don't know}
Even held it for a few successful trips to the dental school and back.
SO glad!

Day 3: So far NO accidents. Told me he had to go once. Went whenever I asked him to. So far, So good!
We picked out and purchased his underwear 3 days before Day 1. That night he got out of bed twice to look at his underwear. Finally I asked him if he needed to take one of them to bed with him, of course he wanted to. He slept with Buzz and Woody that night! So cute!

We've had plenty of fun drinks, and have even done a few silly things like making the underwear a hat. It was all his idea. He is definitely his father's son!


Garth, Melissa and all the Crazies said...

Yeah for Hay-hay! You know they're ready when they just do it. Now Natalie's gonna feel the pressure, huh?

Rachel and Tyler said...

Good for him! I hope he keeps it up.

Joe and Ellen said...

Good luck with it!! I remember those days!! HAVE FUN!!