Monday, June 8, 2009


This is the result of the ONE and ONLY time I did not buckle Hayden into his high chair.
the story:
Hayden didn't eat much breakfast so right before we were leaving for church I put him in his high chair to see if he would eat a little more. He was being wiggly and he was only going to be there for a min. so I didn't buckle him in, I just put the tray on. I ALWAYS buckle him in so after he was done I took the tray off and walked over to the sink, forgetting that he was not buckled in. I heard a hard THUNK and turned around to see him hitting the kitchen floor face first! His face immediately had a huge red streak from his forehead to his nose and it was swollen.
This picture is taken about 3 hours after it happened. And luckily today you can barely tell it happened at all!


Rachel and Tyler said...

So not worst mom or even close...things like that happen to all of he looks kind of cute with his little star trek face!

Mike, Kalie, Jason, Lexie and Colden said...

Definately not worst mom. Jason has incurred a few bad bumps on account of our parenting too...

Howells Fam said...

That is so sad, but don't worry, it happens to everybody. I sat Carlee down right next to a table and she fell face first into the leg.