As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot...anything you remember! Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you!
2 months ago
I remember Ry and I going over to your house for a chat right before you had Hayden. (I think we broughr you some type of treat...cookies?) The four of us sat around with the dogs and talked about Josh's fears about being a dad. It's funny to me now because he thought he wasn't ready and wouldn't like it...and now he's an awesome dad who adores his son!
Which one do I choose from?? Well it would have to be prob the first time we met, downstairs in receiving in the Bookstore.. haha we realized we had the same exact sarcastic sense of humor and all of us girls always joked about how Adam thought he was the nicest guy in the world and told everyone about it. HAHA!!! good times.
I remember so many things but I think driving up to Rexburg for the first time, my pretty celb. was so packed down, and it was so cold until I turned on the heater... Oh and I cant forget the memory of us going down to Logan and seeing Bro. Hansen doing my hair with his wife!! FUN Times! Ya I will tell Kristina, will you tell Tess?
Kandis, Kandis, Kandis... "She has a hole in her lip and still can't drink!!" oh yeah... and "I haven't seen my dog since last Tuesday..." Ha ha ha!! Love ya girl!!
I REMEMBER...working at the BYU-Idaho bookstore together. you were always hilarious and would come and visit me in technology. We had some good times there.
How is life??? I just happened across your blog, and I am sooo excited.
our blog
So only one memory? Okay it has to be when I really didn't know you well but I remember you were so cute and excited to be getting married to Josh! You were so easy to talk to and felt like I could tell you anything and loved your sense of humor you make my bookstore days bareable!
first I know I am a bad friend for not calling you back, the time difference thing sucks! anyway Kandise so many good memories can't think of just one. Riding in the trunk of Brianna's car at BYUi. laughing all night at hailey (was that her name? roommate who would sick on the counter in her little shorts and kick her not so small feet back and forth when guys came to visit) and best of all the rodeo and carnival in Preston . Love ya girl:)
So many memories from all of our years together growing up...I always remember skipping out on Sunday School when we could finally drive, thinking we were such rebels. Hanging out with you and Chase in the old 10th ward were good days.
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