Saturday, October 24, 2009


Hayden has a little bit of an obsession with watching Elmo clips on youtube. Everytime he sees Josh's laptop he wants to watch a movie. We occasionally let him because it's so cute to see him so intrigued and he snuggles right into us the whole time he's watching. For weeks we hvae been trying to get him to say Elmo, but he hasn't. Anyway the other day on our way home from picking Josh up from school Josh and I were talking and Josh said "It's been a while since Hayden has said any new words. We've been trying to get him to say Elmo forever." literally right after Josh got done saying this Hayden said, "ELMO" It was hilarious! It was like Hayden understood every word Josh was saying and he was like I'll show you Dad!

Later that night while in the bath tub brushing his teeth. He looked at his tooth brush, which has elmo on it, and said, "elMO"

now every time he sees Josh's laptop he says "ELMO"

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