Sunday, September 20, 2009

a little fun in the sun

he was so sick he would just lay there and watch his movie

I spent the last week in Arizona watching my sister's kids while she went with her husband to a conference in Montreal. My Mom and brother came to help me and to make the trip more fun. I was so glad they were there, I couldn't have done it without them! In the midst of all the kids and chaos we had tons of fun shopping, eating out and laughing and making fun of each other.

The night before we left Hayden had a fever of 103. I called his Dr. and after discussing his symptoms over the phone we decided not to take him in. I gave him motrin & tylenol and put him in bed for the night and he slept all night long. When he is sick he usually wakes up every few hours all night long. The next morning he acted fine but I gave him some tylenol throughout the day just to make sure. On the plane he could not get comfortable enough to sleep so he was not his happy self when we arrived. Good thing Aunt Teri had a sucker waiting for him when she picked us up. It made him happy for a while! I tried to give him some dinner but he didn't really want anything to do with it and he felt REALLY hot. I gave him a cool bath and checked his temperature. It was 104! I gave him some more motrin and tylenol and put him in bed to see if he could sleep and if the temp. would come down. After about an hour he woke up and his temp. was now 104.3! So my brother came with me to take Hayden to the pediatric urgent care. After $125 office visit they diagnosed him with an ear infection in his left ear. It was his first ever ear infection. After a few days of antibiotics he was feeling better.

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