I went for an ultrasound the other day and everything looks great with baby #2. We are so glad. I was freaking out the night before the ultrasound thinking of all the things that they could or would tell me was wrong. There are no chromosomal abnormalities, no spina bifita, or anything else that they could tell was wrong. The heartbeat was great. He/She was measuring well. Everything was great! Knowing it was probably way too early to tell I asked the ultrasound tech if she could tell the sex. She said we'll take a look. When she looked she said she would guess girl. She followed that guess with "but I've been fooled before." We'll find out for sure on October 8. We really don't care if it is a boy or girl. It would be fun to have a girl with all the pink and bows and frills, but it would also be fun to have a boy so close to Hayden's age. Honestly though we are SO grateful that everything is going well and we're on track for a healthy baby.
I have been sick. Throwing up whenever day or night, peeing 200 times a day, and exhausted, but things seem to be getting better. The throwing up is getting fewer and farther between and the exhaustion is not quite so bad. I don't NEED to take a nap everyday, although I love naps.