Monday, January 5, 2009

7 Months & PINK EYE

Today Hayden is 7 months old and he woke up with pink eye! It's so sad. His eye is all watery, swollen and goopy. We went to the Doctor today and got some drops that will hopefully make him feel better. While we waited at the Doctors office for his perscription to be filled he was so happy. He smiled and giggled at everyone that talked to him. Everyone said "he can't be that sick if he's so happy", but we came home and he slept, and slept.

By Wednesday Hayden got pink eye in both eyes, but by Friday it was all gone. Saturday night my eye was so swollen and bruised that Josh almost took me to the ER. On Monday I got pink eye...NO FUN!

1 comment:

Rachel and Tyler said...

I feel so bad that we gave that to you. I am glad you are over it now.