On November 4, 2008 one day before Hayden was 5 months old we gave him rice cereal. He has consistently been sleeping about 8 hours after we put him to bed. Then waking up eating and going back to sleep for 4 or 5 more hours. Lately he has been getting up every 4 hours which was really wearing me out so we decided it was probably time to start solids. At first he wasn't too excited about the new texture in his mouth, but we tried a few bites and something must have stayed down because he slept for 6 hours. Since then he has learned to like rice cereal and after the first few bites he opens for more, and sometimes we can't give it to him fast enough. Now we're back to at least 8 hours of sleep before he wakes up to eat. All ready to try some rice cereal"I'm not sure about this stuff"
"Maybe I'll have a little more"
"Maybe I'll have a little more"