Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Labor Day Weekend

Labor day weekend came and went too fast. We didn't do anything special, it was just fun to have some extra time to relax and be together. My weekend was extra long because I didn't have to work on Friday either~the joys of working for a specialist, so I took advantage of the day off and went shopping with my friend Briste. It was really fun! There were sales and it wasn't too crowded. Josh, however, saw the weekend as a chance to get ahead on his school stuff. So bright and early Saturday morning he was studying. I caught up on some house stuff, we went running together...ok for those of you that know Josh and his running abilities and me and my running abilities you know we weren't really running together, but we were at the same place at the same time doing the same thing so to me we were running together! Later that evening we decided to go out to the mall, but it was WAY too crowded for us. So we settled for finishing up Friday Night Lights, a TV series, online. Monday Josh had an eye dr. appt. and came home with a new glasses. They updated his old Rx, so that it's actually beneficial to wear them and come to find out looking at a computer screen all day dries out and damages his eyes! Eye drops to the rescue since staring at the screen of his laptop is his life for the next 4 years! As hard as it was we're back to work and school today.

1 comment:

Rachel and Tyler said...

new glasses!- i thought you told me everything- I better not find out about more important things from "the blog".